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  New Initiatives : Emerging Technologies
New… E-Learning Modules on the Technologies of LHPs for TECHNOGRAHIs Passive-design Response in Increasing Thermal comfort with Viable solutions (PRiTHVi) – Climate Smart Buildings New...Thermal Properties of Building Materials and Construction Technologies

Demonstration Housing Projects

The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA), Government of India has set up a Technology Sub-Mission (TSM) under PMAY-HFA (Urban) mission with the objective of providing “Sustainable Technological Solutions for Faster & Cost Effective Construction of Houses suiting to Geo-Climatic and hazard conditions of the Country”. 
In order to showcase the field application of new emerging technologies, MoHUA has taken an initiative to construct Demonstration Houses as a part of TSM through BMTPC. These Demonstration Housing Projects (DHPs) act as resource projects for providing training and skills to professionals and construction workers on emerging technologies in respective States.
The Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs, Govt. of India vide letter No.I-14022/16/2017-HFA-V-UD (FTS 3019656) dated June 5, 2017 issued Operational Guidelines for construction of DHPs. Later on revised Operational Guidelines were issued by the MoHUA vide letter No.I-11019/8/2017-HFA-UD(FTS 9032027) dated April 29, 2018.   
The Secretary, MoHUA vide letter No. I-11019/8/2017-HFA-UD dated May 29, 2018 requested various States and UT Governments for participation in the “Demonstration Housing Project” to further popularize and mainstream the proven and new/alternate technologies in construction.  An overwhelming response was received for partnering in the construction of Demonstration Houses/ structures using alternate building technologies. 
The construction of demonstration housing projects in different parts of the country aims to facilitate wide spread dissemination and adoption of both existing proven, emerging and sustainable building materials and technologies in preference to the conventional and create enabling environment for the large scale adoption of such materials & technologies in different geo-climatic parts of the country, thus making housing more affordable and accessible. During the construction of demonstration houses, training of professionals and construction work force is also being undertaken. 











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