From the Desk of Executive Director

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  New Initiatives : Emerging Technologies
New… E-Learning Modules on the Technologies of LHPs for TECHNOGRAHIs Passive-design Response in Increasing Thermal comfort with Viable solutions (PRiTHVi) – Climate Smart Buildings New...Thermal Properties of Building Materials and Construction Technologies

In order to mainstream new technologies into various State Government housing works, it is important that enabling environment is created which will facilitate inclusion of new technologies in place of conventional construction systems following the standard rules and procedures as far as possible. The first step in this direction is to float suitable NIT which will pave way for introducing new and emerging technologies. This section gives NITs of various State Governments/agencies who have floated NITs with new technologies. The purpose of this initiative is to guide other State Agencies who are willing to take similar initiative. BMTPC sincerely hopes that these NITs will help in mainstreaming new technologies into the construction sector which in turn will facilitate quality, safe, durable and sustainable housing in quick time.




DSIIDC:                    Tender Highlights              Main Tender (NIT)

DUSIB:                      Tender Highlights               Main Tender (NIT) 

HPUD:                        Tender Highlights              Main Tender (NIT)

Creating Enabling Environment for Affordable Housing for All…… since 1990
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