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  New Initiatives : Emerging Technologies
New… National Conference-cum-Expo on Innovative Building Materials and Construction Technologies from March 19-20, 2025 at New Delhi

To realise Government of India’s goal towards “Housing for All by 2022”, BMTPC is striving towards bringing and mainstreaming emerging and innovative housing technologies from India as well as abroad.  In this effort, BMTPC has already shortlisted a number of emerging technologies giving emphasis on aspects such as speed, quality, durability of construction at affordable cost including structural and functional requirements in Indian conditions. In order to widen its horizon, BMTPC is also studying various emerging technologies and evaluating under Performance Appraisal Certification Scheme (PACS) on continual basis.

Though the advertisement, BMTPC invites agencies/technology providers/manufacturers to apply for certification of their technologies under PACS. Further to create a platform for technology providers and reach out to construction industry including public and private agencies, BMTPC is collating information about emerging housing technologies and intends to publish it in form of the “BMTPC Directory for Emerging Housing Technologies”. Therefore, even if you are not immediately deciding to formally apply for PACS, you may fill the proforma given below for inclusion in the directory:
Kindly send the duly filled in proforma at or
To apply under PACS kindly download the Preliminary Application Form from the following link:
 Preliminary Application Form (General)      
To know more about PACS, kindly visit PACS Section.
Creating Enabling Environment for Affordable Housing for All…… since 1990
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