Since 1990, BMTPC has been working towards operationalising a comprehensive and integrated approach for promotion of cost-effective, environment-friendly & energy-efficient innovative building materials and construction technologies for housing in urban and rural areas including disaster resistant practices. BMTPC has been successfully facilitating the propagation of these technologies from lab to land. The technologies promoted by BMTPC were supported by upscaling, mechanization, standardization, dissemination, capacity building and field level application. The efforts of BMTPC are concentrated for creating enabling environment as regards affordable housing and sustainable development.
In its journey towards bringing innovations in the building industry, BMTPC has aligned its goals & objectives in line with the aspirations of the nation several times and could successfully transfer know-how in the field. During the implementation of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Urban (PMAY(U)) since June 2015, the expedition to bring alternate and emerging construction systems from around the globe which can not only fast track delivery of livable sustainable houses but also comply with structural, functional and safety norms stipulated in Indian Standards gained importance. To accomplish this ardent task of providing affordable housing, the best construction systems which are time tested and proven elsewhere are being identified, studied, evaluated & certified by BMTPC. These systems are being straightway transplanted to suit Indian geo-climatic conditions for field level applications through demonstration construction, light house projects & handholding of states. There has been good response from public and private agencies including State Governments and these alternate systems are being now slowly picked up and used in construction projects.
For wider advocacy, better outreach & replication of emerging systems in the field, BMTPC is entrusted by MoHUA to undertake Demonstration Housing Projects in different parts of India using emerging technologies under PMAY(U). The objective is to spread awareness about new technologies and disseminate technical know-how in the States under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban) – Housing for All Mission. The Demonstration Housing Projects at Nellore, Andhra Pradesh; Bhubaneswer, Odisha; Biharshariff, Bihar; Aurangaband Jagir, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh; Hyderabad, Telangana; and Panchkula, Haryana have been completed. During the course of implementation, the state level sensitization programmes & workshops are also organized along with hand-holding of State engineers, professionals & policy makers so that emerging technologies can be mainstreamed.
The Council has been instrumental in introduction of a number of building materials and technologies based on agro-industrial wastes such as flyash based bricks/blocks, cellular light weight concrete, bamboo based materials, bagasse boards etc. Partial pre-fabrication is another area which is being propagated by the Council. Using pre-fabricated components, a number of houses in different States have been constructed for demonstration purposes. For increased productivity and quality, the Council has developed easy-to-operate simple machines, which are being used in construction with encouraging results all over the country. The Council also lends support in the policy intervention matters of Government of India related with saving of forest, top layer of soil, environmental degradation, energy conservation, waste utilisation, disaster mitigation & management, etc.
With the efforts of the Council, a number of Indian Standards have been formulated in close association with Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) on cost effective technologies such as flyash bricks, RCC planks & joist, bamboo mat corrugated roofing sheets etc. Also BMTPC prepares and submits draft Standards on innovative technologies to BIS for formulation of Indian Standards. Through Performance Appraisal Certification Scheme (PACS), the Council is carrying out performance evaluation of new and emerging materials, technologies and construction systems, on which there are no standards available. In the process Performance Appraisal Certificates is issued on various innovative systems and products.