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E-Learning Modules on the Technologies of LHPs for TECHNOGRAHIs Passive-design Response in Increasing Thermal comfort with Viable solutions (PRiTHVi) – Climate Smart Buildings Thermal Properties of Building Materials and Construction Technologies New...Release of Publication on the occasion of World Habitat Day 2024

The steps in the procedure broadly are:


1.    Receipt of preliminary application (PA)

2.    Evaluation against application acceptance criteria, primarily, to decide whether the product is certifiable within the scope of PACS

3.    If it is decided that the product is certifiable a product/process/ manufacture specific Detailed Application Form (DAF) is prepared and sent to applicant. The purpose is to collect information/data documentation to study the claims of the applicant, define the scope of appraisal and work out details of assessment and prepare assessment documentation.

4.    Detailed Application received from applicant is evaluated and a decision is taken about certifiability under PACS. The applicant is required to annex several documents which are listed in the DAF. If it is found that the product is not certifiable under PACS, the applicant is informed with suggestions if any to be implemented by him before submitting a fresh application

5.    It found certifiable the scope of assessment is agreed to between BMTPC and the applicant, fees to be paid is worked out and an agreement is signed.

6.    Detailed assessment documents are prepared which include:      

Ø  List of applicable standards – Indian, International, BMTPC Applicant, company standards etc, including performance parameters to be assessed. If standards are not available they are prepared by the Applicant

Ø  Assessment procedures – including inspections of factory, installations etc.

Ø  Samples to be taken and test to be done, tests on prototype where required.

Ø  Aspects relating to environment/energy conservation, waste material utilization, statutory regulations to be addressed/considered/assessed, as applicable.

Ø  Draft contents of PAC

7.    Factory and site inspections by experts to assess adequacy of manufacturing and test equipment and facilities, testing of samples in the factory, taking samples.

8.    Inspection of installation/field tests, if and where required

9.    Inspection of already installed product, if applicable.

10. Getting samples tested in an independent laboratory.

11. Compilation of reports and test results from previous steps, study and assessment by experts.

12. It acceptable for grant of PAC, preparation of draft PAC and Scheme of Quality Assurance in discussion with applicant.

13. Limited circulation of PAC to selected building regulatory authorities, major users, members of the Technical Assessment Committee (TAC) of BMTPC for comments.

14. Consideration of PAC and related documents by TAC and its approval, a validity period for the PAC is fixed at this stage. The applicant may be invited for the meeting of TAC when the draft PAC is considered .

15. Issue of PAC to the applicant

16. Printing, distribution, sale of PAC

17. Publicity through publication in “PACS Newsletter”, press note, circulars to major users and building regulating authorities


 After issue of PAC

1.    Periodic Surveillance inspections are carried out and the performance reviewed if non-conformities are found appropriate action is taken including suspension/ cancellation of PAC.

2.    During the validity period data on performance is collected and along with complaints data, if any are used for review during validity period and renewal

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