From the Desk of Executive Director

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  New Initiatives : Emerging Technologies
New… E-Learning Modules on the Technologies of LHPs for TECHNOGRAHIs Passive-design Response in Increasing Thermal comfort with Viable solutions (PRiTHVi) – Climate Smart Buildings New...Thermal Properties of Building Materials and Construction Technologies
Home > RTI > Objectives 




Ø  Building Materials & Construction Technologies : To promote development, standardisation, mechanisation and large scale field application of proven innovative and emerging building materials and technologies in the construction sector.


Ø    Capacity Building and Skill Development: To work as a Training Resource Centre for capacity building and promotion of good construction practices to professionals, construction agencies, artisans and marketing of building technologies from lab to land.


Ø    Disaster Mitigation & Management : To promote methodologies and technologies for natural disaster mitigation, vulnerability & risk reduction and retrofitting/ reconstruction of buildings and disaster resistant planning for human settlements.


Ø     Project Management & Consultancy: To undertake project management and consultancy services including appraisal, monitoring and third party inspection of housing projects under the various Central/State Schemes.


Creating Enabling Environment for Affordable Housing for All…… since 1990
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