v Preliminary Application Form (General)
v Preliminary Application Form (Machinery) 
v Model Detailed Application Form(MDAF) 
v PACS Process Chart 
Note :
The above forms are in PDF format. Get Acrobat Reader
Preliminary Application form can be downloaded and duly filled form is to be submitted along with a non refundable fees of Rs.1500/- (Rupees One Thousand Five Hundred only) plus 18% GST.
Model DAF is only for information of prospective applicants and not for use. It gives an indication of the type of items that would be normally included in a Detailed Application Form (DAF). DAF is customized for each applicant after receipt of Preliminary Application. The Detailed Application is to be submitted with a fee of Rs. 15,000/- (Rupees Fifteen Thousand only) plus 18% GST for medium and large scale units. A 15% concession on fee of the fixed costs for small scale units.
Annual PAC fee is Rs.1,00,000 for Systems and Rs.75,000 for Products plus 18% GST.
All payments are to be made ONLINE in BMTPC Account:
Account No.: 62054931366
Account Name: Building Materials and Technology Promotion Council
Bank Name: State Bank of India
Bank Address: Core 6, SCOPE Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003
IFSC Code: SBIN0020511
Branch Code: 20511
* As per the Government Notification w.e.f. 1st July 2017, GST @ 18% over the amount is to be paid for the services provided.