From the Desk of Executive Director

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  New Initiatives : Emerging Technologies
New… E-Learning Modules on the Technologies of LHPs for TECHNOGRAHIs Passive-design Response in Increasing Thermal comfort with Viable solutions (PRiTHVi) – Climate Smart Buildings


Major Thrust Areas

  • Identification, evaluation and promotion of proven and emerging housing technologies available for housing sector nationally and internationally.

  • Promoting speed, economy, efficiency and quality in construction.

  • Creating enabling eco-system for mass application of technologies through upscaling of technologies, know-how acquisition, absorption and dissemination.

  • Field level application of environment-friendly, energy-efficient and disaster resistant technologies for proven, locally available and emerging technologies, through demonstration construction.

  • Formulation of Specifications, Schedules, Standards on proven building materials/technologies including emerging technologies/systems.

  • Documentation of benefits, durability and acceptability of cost effective and innovative building materials and technologies.

  • Skill upgradation of professionals and construction workers through capacity building programmes, training programmes, seminars, conferences, workshops, exhibitions nationally as well as internationally.

  • Promoting disaster resistant construction technologies.

  • Appraisal, monitoring and third party inspection of housing projects including undertaking operationalization of Data Resource cum Monitoring Centre (DRMC) under PMAY(U)

  • Implementation of National Urban Housing Fund (NUHF) through Extra Budgetary Resources under PMAY(U) 

  • Project management and consultancy services.

  • Publication of user manuals, guidelines, compendiums, directories, brochures, techno-feasibility reports, video films, demonstration CDs, interactive website including documentation of success stories.

Creating Enabling Environment for Affordable Housing for All…… since 1990
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