From the Desk of Executive Director

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  New Initiatives : Emerging Technologies
New… E-Learning Modules on the Technologies of LHPs for TECHNOGRAHIs Passive-design Response in Increasing Thermal comfort with Viable solutions (PRiTHVi) – Climate Smart Buildings

Identification, evaluation and promotion of proven and emerging housing technologies available for housing sector nationally and internationally.

Promoting speed, economy, efficiency and quality in construction.

Creating enabling eco-system for mass application of technologies through upscaling of technologies, know-how acquisition, absorption and dissemination.

Field level application of environment-friendly, energy-efficient and disaster resistant technologies for proven, locally available and emerging technologies, through demonstration construction.

Formulation of Specifications, Schedules, Standards on proven building materials/ technologies including emerging technologies/systems.

Documentation of benefits, durability and acceptability of cost effective and innovative building materials and technologies.

Skill upgradation of professionals and construction workers through capacity building programmes, training programmes, seminars, conferences, workshops, exhibitions nationally as well as internationally.

Promoting disaster resistant construction technologies.

Appraisal, monitoring and third party inspection of housing projects including undertaking operationalization of Data Resource cum Monitoring Centre (DRMC) under PMAY(U)

Implementation of National Urban Housing Fund (NUHF) through Extra Budgetary Resources under PMAY(U)

Project management and consultancy services.

Publication of user manuals, guidelines, compendiums, directories, brochures, techno-feasibility reports, video films, demonstration CDs, interactive website including documentation of success stories.


Creating Enabling Environment for Affordable Housing for All…… since 1990
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