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  From the Desk of Executive Director

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  New Initiatives : Emerging Technologies
New… National Conference-cum-Expo on Innovative Building Materials and Construction Technologies from March 19-20, 2025 at New Delhi

The Council through its extensive networking with various R&D Institutions, Ministries/Government Departments, Universities, Financial Institutions, Public Agencies, Business Federations/Organizations and various International organizations such as UNIDO, UNCHS, ADB, World Bank etc., strives to provide multifaceted S & T services to the various stakeholders in the construction & building sector.


Ø      Support for identification and development of technologies and building materials based on agricultural and industrial wastes and promotion of proven technologies for rural and urban housing construction.……


Ø      Advise entrepreneurs in technology selection, prototype development, commercial reduction & marketing and extend appropriate support for training and development/upgradation of process/technologies and procuring equipment, etc.


Ø       Assist in arranging technology transfer from other countries, & selection and evaluation of foreign technologies.


Ø       Undertake Techno-Economic Feasibility Studies and formulation of detailed Project Reports on innovative energy-efficient building materials/products and construction systems.


Ø      Assist in capacity building and skill development through training of village artisans, craftsmen and help in production of simple building components using local materials, skills and manpower and to coordinate with national, state and local level institutions of periodic training and orientation courses for professionals like engineers, architects, town planners, contractors and construction managers for creating confidence in use of new materials and technologies. 


Ø     Evaluation, validation, certification and standardization of innovative building materials and construction technologies through Performance Appraisal Certification Scheme.

Ø      As a clearing house of technology transfer from lab to land, through production and application and as repository of information on all types of building materials including conventional and newly developed, under development in India and abroad.


Ø      Persuade Central and State Government agencies, housing development and construction agencies and organizations in private and community sectors for application of proven cost effective and energy-efficient building materials and construction technologies.


Ø      Rendering design services on adoption and application of innovative building materials and construction technologies in the housing projects and slum development Programs of Government, Public and Private agencies/bodies.


Ø       Undertake Rapid Damage Assessment Studies of the disaster affected areas and to develop and promote disaster resistant construction technologies.


Ø     Advise on vulnerability and risk assessment and on formulation of relief, reconstruction and rehabilitation programmers for disaster mitigation and assist in capacity building for disaster preparedness………


Ø      Appraisal & Monitoring agency to Government of India under Jawaharlal Nehru Urban Renewal Mission Programs.


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