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  New Initiatives : Emerging Technologies
New… National Conference-cum-Expo on Innovative Building Materials and Construction Technologies from March 19-20, 2025 at New Delhi

This walling system is very commonly used. Handmade and fired bricks of size about 224x114x70mm with a “frog” are used with 1:6 cement mortar to construct walls using the traditional Flemish or English bond. Handmade bricks have compressive strengths about 100 kg/cm2. Each course is about 75 mm and the wall thickness is 230 mm. Walls are finished with a 12 mm thick plaster on its smooth side and a 15 mm thick plaster on its rough side.
Bricks are normally of two types one is traditional (fps) and modular. The fps bricks vary from 21 to 25cm in length, 10 to 13cm in width and 7.5cm in height in different parts of the country. The communally adopted nominal size of traditional brick is 23x11.4x76mm. With a view to achieve manufacture of uniform size of bricks all over the country, BIS has established standard size for brick. Such a brick is known as modular brick. The nominal size of this brick is 20x10x10cm where as the actual dimension are 19x9x9cm)

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