Light House Projects (LHPs) being constructed at Agartala, Ranchi, Lucknow, Indore, Rajkot and Chennai are first of its kind in the country to demonstrate use of globally available proven innovative technologies in mass housing. These technologies are new to the country with limited use in construction sector.
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) is promoting these LHPs as Live Laboratories for different aspects of transfer of technology to the field which includes planning, design, production of components, construction practices and testing.
The primary goal of making these LHPs as Live Laboratories is to encourage large scale citizen participation and create technical awareness for on-site learning, multistakeholders consultation, find ideas for solutions, learning by doing, experimentation and encouraging innovation, thereby mainstreaming the globally identified proven innovative technologies under GHTC-India in Indian context.
MoHUA has initiated an Online Enrolment Drive for all stakeholders to register themselves to visit these pilot projects, learn the use of latest innovative technologies, innovate and adapt as per their local needs and contexts as Technograhis of new construction technologies to be adopted as ‘Make in India’.

Webcasting of LHPs
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