Compendium of Indigenous Innovative Building Materials and Construction Technologies
Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs (MoHUA) organised Indian Housing Technology Mela (IHTM) as part of New Urban India Conference cum Expo during 5th-7th October 2021 in Lucknow, UP. The Exhibition was inaugurated by the Hon’ble Prime Minister. The objective of the Mela was to provide a platform for indigenous and innovative building materials, components, tools & equipment, construction processes and technologies that are sustainable and suitable for construction of low and medium rise (upto G+3 storey) houses for demonstration, cross learning, enabling better adoption, market linkages and achieving desired scale. During IHTM, 84 innovative technologies /systems /products /materials /machinery were showcased by exhibitors.
All these technologies have been published in the form of a Compendium which provides various details such as technology brief, salient features, economic aspects, sustainability aspects, suitability & availability, limitations, market linkages, certifications/endorsement, its application in real projects in India and also provides contact details of technology providers.
In view of the clarion call given by Hon’ble Prime Minister for Atamnirbhar Bharat, it is the opportune time to promote technology & innovations in housing especially for low to mid rise structures for Beneficiary Led Construction (BLC) based on local materials, local skills & construction techniques amalgamated with updated knowledge to achieve affordability, sustainability, energy efficiency & disaster resilience.
Compendium will serve as a useful resource for further learning & adoption of new and cost effective technologies in building projects being undertaken by the State Governments. This compendium will be helpful to policy makers, public & private construction agencies and other concerned stakeholders for its adoption in their future housing projects.

Shri Durga Shanker Mishra, Secretary, Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs, released the Compendium of Indigenous Innovative Building Materials and Construction Technologies during 57th CSMC Meeting held on December 23, 2021