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  New Initiatives : Emerging Technologies
E-Learning Modules on the Technologies of LHPs for TECHNOGRAHIs Passive-design Response in Increasing Thermal comfort with Viable solutions (PRiTHVi) – Climate Smart Buildings Thermal Properties of Building Materials and Construction Technologies New...Release of Publication on the occasion of World Habitat Day 2024



Source of plastic waste

In the latter half of the 20th century, the use of plastics has become wide-spread in all kinds of products and everyday objects. Not surprisingly, plastics constitute a large part of a city's garbage, and are nearly impossible to dispose of as plastic waste is not biodegradable.


Recycling of Plastics

Mixed & multilayer plastics containing several grades of plastic material can be made into pallets. Pallets can take the shape of tile flooring, waste containers, planks, profiles, railway sleepers etc.


Plastic Waste as Binder

Plastic that cannot be further recycled can be used with fillers for processing composites, useful for applications like fence posts, park benches, pallets, street furniture, as substitute to timber and concrete products.


Recycled PET

Unsaturated polyester resin from recycled PET can replace the conventional high cost resin for use in GRP products, polymer concrete/polymer mortar, and industrial floorings.


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