Model : AS - 4/2

For production of clay /
clay-flyash / flyash-sand lime /
clay-cement bricks
Production Capacity:
Energy Source:
10,000 bricks per day
Electric 20HP, 3 phase, 440 volts
Size of machine :
Weight of Machine :
Size of brick :
Type :
Manpower :
No. of Bricks per cycle :
Power requirement :
Compaction by :
Options :
Compressive Strength :
Energy Transmission :
3900 x 1570 x 2100 mm
7000 kgs.
230x108x75 mm
Heavy duty machine
Skilled-1, Unskilled-3
2 Nos.
20 HP
Develops 100 tons of force during compaction
a) Auto Indexing
b) Hydraulic toggle Indexing
60-200 kg/cm2 or more
Hydraulic compression